Our Centers

Through five interconnected centers, NMQF partners with other healthcare related organizations to work across a variety of healthcare issues such as public policy, diabetes, cancer, vaccination, heart disease, chronic disease, neuroscience, women’s health and clinical trial diversity.

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From data to action to advance health equity.

Through five interconnected centers, NMQF stands at the forefront of the Health Equity Movement. As ONE NMQF, we are leading the charge for health equity as we partner with other healthcare-related organizations to work across a variety of issues such as cancer, chronic disease, clinical trial diversity, diabetes, environmental health, heart disease, immunization, kidney disease, mental health, neuroscience, obesity, sickle cell disease, and women’s health.



Utilizing over 5 billion patient records to analyze disease prevalence, costs, and outcomes.

NMQF data indices covering 28 different disease areas to address data gaps in underrepresented areas and unlock actionable insights


Implementing evidence-based quality improvement education

NMQF SHC DRIVE quality improvement clinician training has been implemented in more than 23 health systems and Federally Qualified Health Centers, including 104 clinics


Promoting health equity nationwide and at the hyper-local level

NMQF has engaged over 100 community leaders and has built a following of over 180,000 people nationwide

Center for Public Policy

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National Alliance for Brain Health & Awareness

NABHA will increase awareness and understanding of the prevalence of brain diseases in communities and population cohorts throughout the country, and educate critical stakeholders about the quality standards, and policies that serve to advance the adoption of effective, precision medicine to treat brain disease and support brain health.
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Institute For Equity in Health Policy and Practice -Priorities and Initiatives

The NMQF Institute for Equity will enable collaborations that harness the political and economic will that is amassing in response to the realization that structural and systemic inequity is the proximate cause of amenable and avoidable morbidity and premature mortality.
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Center for Sustainable Health Care Quality and Equity

The National Minority Quality Forum’s (NMQF)'s Center for Sustainable Health Care Quality and Equity (SHC) provides clinical teams and community leaders education, training and support in implementing evidence-based quality improvement education and community intervention.

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DRIVing Quality and Equality

The DRIVE – Demonstrating Real Improvement in Value and Equity – Toolkit has been developed for primary care teams, healthcare systems, and community organizations to help improve health outcomes for diverse and underserved populations across the United States.
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Faith Health Alliance

The Center for Sustainable Health Care and Equity is working with a network of pastors on the Faith Health Alliance — an effort to increase awareness of a variety of health topics in underserved communities throughout the United States.

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Diabetes Working Group and Equity Task Force

Diabetes Working Group and Equity Task Force (DWG) launched as a private-public partnership to promote equity in diabetes treatment and outcomes. The group includes research experts, clinicians, patient representatives, community leaders, and corporate partners...
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Center for Clinical and Social Research

The National Minority Quality Forum’s (NMQF)'s Center for Clinical and Social Research (CCSR) is a multidisciplinary team that promotes equitable healthcare by leading observational and interventional clinical and social research that directly affects minoritized populations. CCSR is dedicated to advancing equitable healthcare through:

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Identifying gaps in health care and outcomes for all disease conditions, and

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Identifying gaps in health care and outcomes for all disease conditions, and

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Alliance for Representative Clinical Trials (ARC) is a community clinician program organized to diversify and bring clinical trials.

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Healthcare Data Equity Projects use Medicare, Medicaid data to uncover health disparities.

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MyClinical is an investigative clinical trial research network of independent community clinicians and FQHCs.


Center for Communications and Public Affairs

The National Minority Quality Forum’s (NMQF)'s Center for Communications and Public Affairs comprises of health communication and dissemination science experts that promote health equity through patient education, health communication, health advocacy, integrated marketing stakeholder partnerships, coalition building and community events.

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NMQF Connect Health Fairs are inclusive community events engaging hard-to-reach populations to connect underserved communities with national and local health resources. NMQF Connect health fairs serve as a vital platform to increase awareness about health disparities, cultivate partnerships, and encourage patient education.
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For Your Health News

For Your Health News (FYHN) is a powerful news digital application that is capturing trending news about an emerging healthcare market in the United States—the health of Black, Brown, rural, and otherwise marginalized communities. Each day, FYHN presents its readers with the top stories selected from more than 80,000 online news outlets. Stories about change, the resistance to change, and the birthing of new voices in healthcare are all to be found on FYHN.
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Lift Every Voice Patient Ambassadors

The "Lift Every Voice" Patient Ambassador Program recognizes that patients are not mere recipients of medical care but valuable stakeholders in their own health journeys. The program equips patients to share their stories and equip patients with the tools, knowledge, and confidence they need to advocate for themselves and their communities.
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Data Indices

Center for Health Information Strategy and Services

The Center for Health Information Strategy and Services (HISS) at the National Minority Quality Forum (NMQF) plays a vital role in advancing health equity and reducing disparities in healthcare. By harnessing data-driven insights, we drive forward our mission to reduce patient risk, ensure optimal care for all individuals, and eliminate health disparities. HISS serves as the engine of innovation, pioneering data-driven strategies that drive our mission forward.

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NMQF Private Cloud

NMQF's new Private Cloud marks a significant stride in advancing health equity and addressing disparities in healthcare. This state-of-the-art custom data warehouse platform, managed by NMQF's (Health Information Strategy and Services) HISS and data teams, empowers researchers and patient advocates with direct access to over 5 billion patient records, fostering tailored research initiatives.
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Health Equity Indices

NMQF hosts a health equity index based on the community data lake, a web-based data repository, and a geographical information system. The repository stores, aggregates, analyzes, and publishes health statistics related to a range of neurological and other specified conditions, including but not limited to.
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Cancer Working Group

The Diverse Cancer Communities Working Group (CWG) aims to improve cancer care for all and eliminate disparities through health equity, addressing systemic racism to achieve equitable outcomes. Our vision is to promote equitable cancer care with improved outcomes through evidence-based guidelines to address systemic racism and eliminate disparities.

Center for Professional & Strategic Alliances

The National Minority Quality Forum’s (NMQF)'s Center for Professional and Strategic Alliances aims to serve as a central hub for professional groups, fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and joint initiatives that leverage data-driven insights and innovative strategies to tackle health disparities.

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Nephrologists for Equitable Kidney Care (NEKC)

Nephrologists for Equitable Kidney Care is a collaborative network of nephrologists, healthcare professionals, and advocates who are dedicated to addressing disparities in kidney care, particularly in underserved communities.
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Cardio-Kidney Metabolic Disease Working Group (CKMD)

Partnership between NMQF and ABC to reduce disparities in cardiovascular, kidney, and metabolic health among minoritized populations.
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Biogen Clinical Trial Learning Community

Partnership between NMQF and Biogen focused on reducing disparities and expanding access in clinical research.