In addition to engaging in data and evidence-based policy and regulatory initiatives in pursuit of our mission, the National Minority Quality Forum is taking action to close the gaps in healthcare quality and outcomes for underserved populations by engaging in the creation of quality and performance measures which recognize heterogeneity in patient cohorts, and variability in disease presentation and treatment response.
The National Minority Quality Forum, therefore, has undertaken the responsibility of developing quality and performance measure support the development of treatment and payment policy that is directly linked to improvements in care processes and outcomes, to the advancement of the design and delivery of precision medicine, and to improved accountability to patients, their families and communities.
In developing our measure paradigms, NMQF engages the brightest and best minds available in academic and clinical medicine to formulate measures that reflect the current body of evidence, and that facilitate the identification of treatment, process and outcomes gaps that should be addressed in future research and policy initiatives.
NMQF measures are reviewed and specified as appropriate for different levels of measurement, and updated as needed.
For more information contact: permissions@nmqf.org.
Copyright Notice: The use of all measures – original and derivative – in which the National Minority Quality Forum (NMQF) holds copyright, requires permission from the NMQF prior to use. No part of this documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, modifying, or recording, without the prior written permission of NMQF. For additional information on NMQF’s copyright policy and/or obtaining permission to utilize NMQF’s website content, please see NMQF’s “Terms of Use” page at http://heartfailurequalityimprovementinitiative.com/terms-of-use/.
Measure Title:
Fixed-dose Combination of Hydralazine and Isosorbide Dinitrate Therapy for Self-identified Black or African American Patients with Heart Failure and LVEF <40% on ACEI or ARB and Beta-blocker Therapy.
Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of heart failure (HF) and a current or prior ejection fraction (EF)<40% who are self-identified Black or African Americans and receiving ACEI or ARB and Beta-blocker therapy who were prescribed a fixed-dose combination of hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate and seen for an office visit in the measurement period in the outpatient setting or at each hospital discharge.
To view the specifications for this measure CLICK HERE. You will be asked to register with NMQF. There is no charge for registering. After registration is complete, documents related to the measure can be downloaded.
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Please contact:
Brandon Garrett, COO: bgarrett@nmqf.org
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